By Dominique Mack
Name: Anquinette Taylor
Major: Public Relations
What is your favorite FAMU memory?
My favorite FAMU Memory would be the spring semester of my freshman year. I had just become an orientation leader in the training, and I ran for Miss Sophomore. That entire summer I became more in love with FAMU than I had already been, and I knew there was more I had to accomplish throughout my matriculation at FAMU.
How was your overall experience attending a historically black college or university?
Someone once told me that HBCU’s were like placing endangered species in one area. We are rare, educated, and black, and because we are such amazing human beings we inspire and educate each other in ways unimaginable. I am in awe when I look in the mirror and notice the change within myself.
How has your education at FAMU prepared you for life after college?
I think my education has prepared me for life after FAMU because you are educated in more areas than just a classroom. You are encouraged to grasp the qualities of real world situations, merge them with the things you learn in the classroom, and then tested in many ways that require you to reflect on your knowledge.
What advice would you give a future Rattler?
Dear Future Rattler,
Its okay to be uncomfortable. It is completely okay to not know everything about college, because FAMU has a funny way of showing you the ropes in due time. So be patient, be inquisitive, be kind, network your heart out, step outside of the box, and most importantly remain humble and be YOURSELF. I think part of the reason I reached so many goals at FAMU is because I was able to conquer adversity by remaining the person I wanted to be, and who I personally would be proud of. You will grow, but do not grow so much that you forget who you were before.
Name: Evan Galloway
Major: Business Administration – 5 Year MBA
What is your favorite FAMU memory?
My favorite FAMU memory is picking up my name card for graduation. After five years, the idea of graduation finally began to feel real. On top of that, the employees working in the registrar’s office seemed genuinely excited about distributing these items. It was almost as if all the stuff that happens throughout the year is worth it if you could get to this moment.
How was your overall experience attending a historically black college or university?
My overall experience attending an HBCU has been extremely eye-opening. I came to FAMU from a predominantly white high school in Norristown, Pa. It is a little difficult to put into words what FAMU does to you, but I really appreciate my experience because I know that I will never be around such a high concentration of highly-motivated minorities that defy the stereotypes seen in the media.
How has your education at FAMU prepared you for life after college?
As a student in the School of Business and Industry, my education has prepared me for life after college for the simple fact that our curriculum forced me to take classes that I really had no interest in. As a business administration student with a focus in marketing, I really had no interest in taking finance courses or anything above a basic accounting course. However, I made it through all of those courses and am a much more well-rounded candidate for it. As I begin my professional career this summer, I am confident that FAMU has prepared me to compete and excel in any environment.
What advice would you give a future Rattler?
Take advantage of every opportunity in front of you. Meet people outside of your school/major. Find a way to make school fun. Above all, still remember why you are here and do not become a career student. The best way to help FAMU is to get out and bring the next Rattler after you.
Name: Bria Wesley
Major: Pre Occupational Therapy
What is your favorite FAMU memory?
My favorite memory at FAMU would have to be homecoming my freshman year. They had a huge block party on the set at night. There were about four different stages set up, food and games. That is when I felt like I was really going to enjoy my time here.
How was your overall experience attending a historically black college or university?
My overall experience at an HBCU was great. Growing up and attending predominately Caucasian schools, coming to an HBCU was a big change for me. I truly enjoyed being surrounded by the culture and having professors who looked exactly like me.
How has your education at FAMU prepared you for life after college?
I do feel prepared for life after college. Not only from and educational standpoint but just in general. At FAMU you come across many different types of people and personalities that prepare you for the real word. For example; that mean teacher you may have hated but learned to be respectful toward. Your future boss may turn out to be the same way, it’s all about learning.
What advice would you give a future Rattler?
Take every opportunity presented and network.
Name: Stephon Williams
Major: Health Science
What is your favorite FAMU memory?
I have many memories here at FAMU since attending in 2011. But my most memorable one would have to be when I first started FAMULY affair. I was so eager just to get around campus and meet new people taking pictures at events that I even want to take the pictures with my own cellphone.
How was your overall experience attending a historically black college or university?
Overall my HBCU experience has been something I would always appreciate. Coming to an HBCU really opened up my eyes to what black excellence really is, I’m so happy to be a part of that.
How has your education at FAMU prepared you for life after college?
My education inside and outside the classroom at FAMU prepared me well for a career in my field or creating my own job and becoming an entrepreneur.
What advice would you give a future Rattler?
Live life and don’t let someone else’s opinions or judgments of you hinder you from being great.