Just in time for the football season, Homecoming and fall recruitment, FAMU has launched a new and improved mobile app. Available in the Apple App Store and in the Google Play Store, users can simply search “FAMU Mobile” to install.
FAMU students, staff, faculty, alumni, parents and community supporters can make a connection with FAMU today by installing the new persona-based app. Users will have quick access to FAMU news and events, Rattler Athletics news, schedules and scores, and FAMU’s social media channels including Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.
Students will receive real-time access to course schedules, financial aid and registration. “FAMU Mobile” also serves as a personal tour guide, allowing users to take a virtual tour of the campus and locate campus buildings with the GIS-enabled custom map. App users can also listen to the campus radio station, WANM 90.5 – The Flava Station, and watch live events on FamCast.
Download FAMU Mobile now and keep FAMU close to you!
There are six personas to choose from: Student, Prospective Student, Online Student, Faculty and Staff, Alumni and Guest.
There are also 24 modules to choose from: News, Events, FAMMail, Directory, iRattler, Course Catalog, Blackboard, Library Catalog, Athletics, Maps, Campus Life, Social, Virtual Visit, Clubs and Organizations, Campus Safety and Security, Parking, Dining Services, Bookstore, Recreation, Videos, FAMUForward, Admissions, FAMCast and Make A Gift.
FAMU Mobile connects you to all things FAMU!