The number of alumni donors who stood up when recognized. More than 150 graduates stood to demonstrate they had already made donations either in cash or online to their alma mater.
The number of students who stood for finishing in four years or less. The four-year-graduation rate is a key Performance Funding metric for the Florida Board of Governors.
Keynote Speaker Carla Hayden, Ph.D., walking the line and greeting student graduates, including Demetria Bridgett and her daughter, Tashanti Bridgett. Both graduated with honors.
Hayden recognizing her former babysitter, Faye Green Daniels, and her husband Booker, and her mother Colleen Hayden, in the audience.
Rattler starting quarterback MEAC offensive player of the year Ryan Stanley being recognized by President Robinson.
The ROTC Commissioning ceremony. Seven new officers, six male and one female, were commissioned Saturday morning.
Marching “100” first female drum major Cori Bostic getting her journalism degree in front of a row full of siblings, parents, and grandparents. Bostic is headed to medical school.
Former SGA President David Jackson III receiving the Student Leadership Award.
The Rattler Charge and President Robinson’s quip on Saturday, “It’s on Larry.”
The rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner by a duet from the Concert Choir on Saturday.